

                                        TECNICOM ELETRO ELETRÔNICA LTDA


  Transmissores       Maletas     Transistores e válvulas      Retorno Sem Fio      Hibridas      Como Comprar             




vendemos vários componentes com válvulas novas e usadas, gravadores de rolo AKAY, Transmissor de FM  5 KW  WTK, transmissor FM  300 Watts, Analizador de espectro, Gerador de RF, transistores BLF177, 2N3866, conforme  fotos abaixo.


  Gravador Akay  4000DS   R$  300,00     Gravador Akay  GX - 230 D   R$ 500,00    Gravador Akay  GX - 4000 D  R$ 400,00


Osciloscópio Teletronix  duplo traço 50 Mhz                  Analizador de Espectro 1.3 Ghz                Transmissor de FM  300 Watts

                      R$  1.800,00                                                                     R$     4.000,00                                                               R$       3.500,00


    Toca Discos Technics   R$ 300,00       Par de Link UHF 950 Mhz   R$ 4.000,00      Gerador de RF      R$  800,00


Frequêncímetro   HP     R$  600,00         Frequencímetro  Icel    R$ 500,00       Exitador de FM Lys  15 Watts  R$  700,00


Transmissor de FM  5 KW  WTK          Válvulas  807, 813, 833, 3CX2500F3 - (nova ou usada) ; 4CX 3000A (usada) 

                       R$  7.500,00

                                    Retorno Sem Fio 

      com 200 frequências, display digital, com at?5 watts de potência, mudança 

     de frequência de 100 em 100 Khz, antena telescópica, alcance de at?2 Km, volume de áudio, 

     e ajuste de potência de 0,5 a 5 watts.

    Preço     R$   720,00     50 % no pedido e 50 % na entrega, v?em como comprar.                      


  Contato   Fone 047.3454.4182        Cel. 047.9966.0036

  e-mail  waldyrsilvestre@hotmail.com





A lesser-known fact about the Caliber 89 is that not one but swiss replica watches actually four iterations exist, one each in white, yellow and pink gold as well as one in platinum. Shown above is the yellow-gold version as sold by Antiquorum for nearly 5 million US dollars in 2009. While this remarkable piece is referred to as a pocket watch, with replica watches sale it being 88 millimeters in diameter and 41 millimeters thick, accompanied with an overall weight of 1,100 grams (or 2.4 pounds), it is best to keep it at home, in a safe, locked away. The Reference 1527 is the most expensive wristwatch by Patek Philippe swiss replica watches ever sold on auction, but it is only upon a closer look when it reveals exactly why it managed to fetch such a stratospheric price. First of all, there is the time when it was made: between 1943 and 1944. It is not merely the fact that the watch was replica watches sale produced during the second World War, but also that this particular one of a kind piece replica watches served as a fore-runner to some of the most iconic wristwatches that Patek Philippe has made ever since.